Neil Peart -- The Latest News

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Open letter: Why is Rush releasing altered versions of songs on recent re-releases?

Like many Rush fans, I've been excited to hear remastered versions of the albums that bring new fidelity to the original recordings. I became a Rush fan in the 80s, and I can say that going from vinyl to CD versions was a revelation. On albums like Moving Pictures, I heard details that had been hidden for years.

With every new wave of technology, Rush has released remastered versions of some of their albums. The newest wave, Surround Sound (5.1 mixes), brings a different "soundscape" to an album, as it splits up the tracks into 5 full-range speakers and one sub-woofer. This gives the tracks a lot more room to breathe than the traditional 2-speaker stereo mix. The result is you can hear even more detail.

In April 2011, Rush released a 5.1 mix of Moving Pictures, and it got (mostly) rave reviews. I went out on the first day to Best Buy and picked it up, and could hardly wait to get home and put it on. As I listened on my home theater system, it felt like I was listening to Moving Pictures for the first time. But then I got to "Witch Hunt."

The problem with "Witch Hunt"

In "Witch Hunt," where the cowbell comes in (right before the "Features distorted in the flickering light" lyric), something sounded wrong. At first I didn't even know what it was, so I had to rewind. On second listen, I could hear it: Neil's drum part had been altered.

This is the point where I reveal that, like many Rush fans, I'm a drummer, and I've spent a lot of my life cracking Peart's rhythmic code. And even after playing for 30-odd years, I still haven't fully cracked this code, which is part of Peart's appeal.

This is also where I point out that Peart is mostly a compositional drummer. He writes drum parts that are part of the song -- and replicates those parts live (with some minor alterations). Go to a Rush show, and you'll see rows of air drummers playing along with the Rush rhythms they've grown to love.

Which brings me back to "Witch Hunt." I was still confused about why it had been changed. I switched from the 5.1 to the stereo mix and found that the drum part was not altered, which raised even more questions. I decided to go to the source of the mix, Richard Chycki, and ask the question.

From: Andy Olson
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 1:53 PM
Subject: Question about 5.1 "Moving Pictures" mix

Hi, Richard --  I'm enjoying the 5.1 mix of "Moving Pictures" (finally was able to listen to the entire thing last night). I love all the detail in this mix!

One question, which I'm sure you've already heard: Why were the drums edited/changed on "Witch Hunt" ( where the cowbell comes in)? I know there are probably lots of other changes that I'm not noticing, but I guess I'm curious about why the original performance was altered?



There was no reply. So, I wrote again in June. Still no reply. Not a huge deal. I mean, this is just music, right? 

Rush Sectors

When Rush Sectors was announced, I was looking forward to getting pristine versions of the Mercury Rush catalog, as well as three additional 5.1 mixes -- Signals, A Farewell to Kings, and Fly by Night. I decided to buy Sectors 2 and Sectors 3 and leave one available for a Christmas gift.

When the box sets arrived, I enjoyed the Sectors packaging, with the black box and mini-versions of the LP covers and artwork. The first CD I put in was Hold Your Fire -- "Force 10" sounded great.

Then I moved on to "Time Stand Still." Right before the second verse, I noticed something odd. Instead of a pause, what I heard right after Geddy sings "Time stand still," were two electronic drum hits, similar to what Neil does leading into the bridge of the chorus. I figured I must have misheard it. After a second listen, I confirmed the added parts were indeed on the new mix. 

I talked to a few people about this, and someone mentioned that this might have been on the original tapes and deleted in post-production. OK, that kind of makes sense. Maybe the people doing the stereo mixes weren't familiar with the music. And then I saw this interview about Andy VanDette, Chief Master Engineer at Masterdisk. In the interview, Andy says:

It was very important to me that these be the best representation of the catalog possible and I think we accomplished that. Look, I'm a fan. When I put up Hemispheres for the first time I nearly cried. I may not have been able to muster every bass riff, or sung every high note in my band, but the memories of trying were overwhelming. I could not let Rush fans down. Each and every one of these albums got the deluxe treatment.

So, I guess Andy's a pretty big fan, too.

The problem with "The Weapon" 

As I worked my way through the Sectors 3 release, I finally got to the Signals 5.1 mix (once again mixed by Richard Chycki). Like Moving Pictures, listening to this version was full of new sonic surprises and details. One of the biggest was Geddy's vocals, which were much more dynamic than in the stereo mixes.

And then I came to "The Weapon," where I found more drum parts were changed. But unlike "Witch Hunt," these happen in at least three places (the DVD plays as one consecutive song):

  • At 23:21 - Neil's fills leading into chorus #1
  • At 24:45 - Neil's fills leading into chorus #2
  • At 26:40 - The solo section where many changes have been made (not just to the drum parts)

The stereo version of the song, like "Witch Hunt," remains unchanged.

Rush responds?

On 12/3, Rush released the following statement:

We are aware of some slight technical issues surrounding the CD of 'Fly By Night' inside the Sector 1 box set release and the DVD for 'A Farewell To Kings' inside the Sector 2 box set that some fans are experiencing. It stems from a production flaw and it is currently being addressed. As soon as production is completed a formal announcement of how to replace the discs will follow shortly. Please be aware that there may be a time delay in shipping and receiving the disc and we sincerely apologize for this inconvenience -- Geddy, Alex & Neil

I still haven't heard Fly by Night, but the A Farewell to Kings 5.1 and stereo mixes sounded fine to me. So, I assumed the problems with "Time Stand Still" and "The Weapon" weren't what the Rush camp was talking about.

To see if I could find out, I emailed Anthem directly. There was no response.

The bottom line

Let's face it -- Rush fans love detail. And drummers love Peart's drum parts. It's obviously important to the band, too, since they recreate most of their parts live. The only problem I have with these new releases -- and especially with Sectors -- is the lack of transparency about what we're actually getting (if it was indeed intentional).

If you're like me and want pristine versions of the albums, that's not what you're getting here -- at least with Hold Your Fire and Signals 5.1. For this reason, I can't recommend these discs -- as much as I'd love to. Except for the alterations, these discs really do sound good.

It would be great to get some explanation about why these versions are different and if there are plans to update these recordings. I realize there are complexities in the record business that I can't begin to understand, which could possibly lead to these kinds of alterations. Regardless of who's at fault, it's Rush's reputation that will suffer. 

And I'm not the only one who's noticing.

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posted by AndyO @ 7:50 PM   13 comments

Monday, December 12, 2011

"Taking Center Stage" now available to download

Neil Peart's "Taking Center Stage" is now available from Hudson Music as an instant download.

You can download it from the Hudson Music website.

Learn more about instant downloads.


posted by AndyO @ 10:39 PM   0 comments

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Canadian residents: Win a "Hockey Theme" snare drum

There's a new contest for Canadian residents only called Snag the Snare, where you can win one of three limited editing snare drums ore some other secondary prizes. These snares are replicas of the drum Neil used to record his version of "The Hockey Theme." The contest ends on December 16.


Here's more information about the contest:

Contest starts on Monday, December, 5 2011 at 12:01 p.m. Eastern Time ("ET") and closes on Friday, December 16, 2011 at 11:59:59 p.m. ET (the "Contest Period"). There are (i) three (3) grand prizes (the "Grand Prizes"), one of which will be awarded in each of the following three provinces from among all the eligible entries received in each of these respective provinces during the Contest Period: Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec; and (ii) thirty (30) secondary prizes (the "Secondary Prizes"), each consisting of a CD, DVD or Blu Ray copy of "Rush -- Time Machine, Live in Cleveland" of which four (4) CDs, four (4) DVDs and two (2) Blu Ray copies will be awarded in each of the following three provinces from among all the eligible entries received in each of these respective provinces during the Contest Period: Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec, (the Grand Prizes and Secondary Prizes are collectively the "Prizes" and each a "Prize"). Limit of one Prize per household. No purchase necessary.

The contest is sponsored by TSN, Rush, and Drum Workshop.

Snag The Snare

Read more about Neil's "Hockey Theme" drum kit.

Thanks to Rushisaband for the head's up!

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posted by AndyO @ 9:27 PM   0 comments

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Rush comments on "Sectors" production problems

It looks like there are some issues with the new Sectors release, according to

We are aware of some slight technical issues surrounding the CD of 'Fly By Night' inside the Sector 1 box set release and the DVD for 'A Farewell To Kings' inside the Sector 2 box set that some fans are experiencing. It stems from a production flaw and it is currently being addressed. As soon as production is completed a formal announcement of how to replace the discs will follow shortly. Please be aware that there may be a time delay in shipping and receiving the disc and we sincerely apologize for this inconvenience -- Geddy, Alex & Neil

While I haven't heard these "slight" technical issues on my copies yet, I have heard an alteration on "Time Stand Still" on the Hold Your Fire disc. Right before the second verse, electronic drums have been added -- at least to this mix. One explanation for this might be that the electronic drums were actually present in the initial performance, but removed during post production.

Thanks to Rushisaband and Power Windows for the head's up.


posted by AndyO @ 9:42 PM   0 comments

Monday, November 21, 2011

Modern Drummer interview with Neil Peart

Modern Drummer has posted more of their interview with Neil Peart online. Here's the intro:

In Modern Drummer's December 2011 cover story, out now, Rush's Neil Peart discusses a particularly productive period in his and the band's long career. Peart's new DVD, Taking Center Stage: A Lifetime of Live Performance, has recently been released, hot on the heels of the eighty-one-show 2010-11 Time Machine tour, which the video documents in lush detail from Neil's perspective at the throne. A particularly noteworthy aspect of Rush's latest worldwide trek is that all three band members--Peart, bassist/vocalist Geddy Lee, and guitarist Alex Lifeson--made a conscious decision to improvise more on stage, which, as Neil says in MD, will almost certainly trickle down to the studio tracking of the upcoming Clockwork Angels album.

Neil Peart: Taking Center Stage

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posted by AndyO @ 8:54 AM   0 comments

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Neil Peart reflects on Ohio and the Time Machine tour

Neil Peart has written a nice article in the Plain Dealer about Rush's connection with Ohio, and some thoughts about the Cleveland "Time Machine" show. He also gives an update about Clockwork Angels.

Seven months later, in November 2011, as we release that performance into the world, we are back in the studio in Toronto, working on the "Clockwork Angels" project that we started almost two years ago, before the "Time Machine" tour. In fact, the first two chapters of the story, "Caravan" and "BU2B," were part of that show.

Rush's Neil Peart takes a ride in his Ohio time machine: Exclusive

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posted by AndyO @ 7:46 PM   0 comments

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

"Time Machine 2011" DVD, CD and Blu-ray now available

Rush's new concert video, "Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland" released today, November 8. It's also available as a CD.

The Blu-ray is available exclusively at Best Buy until December 20.

Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland (DVD)

Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland [Blu-ray] - Available from Amazon on December 20, 2011

Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland (CD)

Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland (Digital - mp3)

The Moving Pictures portion of the show is available as a special vinyl release:

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posted by AndyO @ 8:12 PM   0 comments

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Video: Neil Peart discusses Taking Center Stage

In a new Hudson Music video, Neil discusses the making of Taking Center Stage: A Lifetime of Live Performance.

For more information about this DVD, go to the Taking Center Stage home page.

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posted by AndyO @ 6:06 PM   0 comments

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Neil Peart talks about the inspiration behind Taking Center Stage: Rhythm Magazine

Neil Peart wrote an article that's in the new issue of Rhythm magazine (on sale October 25). You can read it here (not sure if this is an excerpt or the entire article):

Neil Peart talks the inspiration behind Taking Center Stage | Rhythm |

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posted by AndyO @ 6:12 PM   0 comments

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Upcoming Chromey showings in Wisconsin and Illinois

Chromey, the chrome Slingerland kit once owned by Neil Peart, will be on display at two upcoming events:

Wednesday, October 26th, 5:00pm-11:00pm

RUSH: Time Machine 2011 Theatrical Premiere

Marcus Majestic Theatre, Brookfield

770 N Springdale Rd, Brookfield, Wisconsin (just west of Milwaukee)




  • Drum kit display open from 5pm-11pm
  • Showtime: 7pm

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

RUSH: Time Machine 2011 Theatrical Premiere

Goodrich Randall 15

550 North Randall Road, Batavia, Illinois, 60510




  • Drum kit display open from 5pm-11pm
  • Showtime: 7pm


Come see the original Rush drum kit that legendary drummer Neil Peart played on the first five tours (1974-1977) and recorded on the the classic albums, Fly By Night, Caress of Steel, 2112, and All The World's A Stage.

Come see this incredible piece of rock history up close and have your photograph taken behind the kit for a donation to benefit the American Cancer Society !!


posted by AndyO @ 11:07 PM   0 comments

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Neil Peart featured in Sabian's Players Choice

Neil Peart is one of nine drummers featured in Sabian's Players Choice. You can see videos of Neil and other drummers playing 12 new cymbals, and then vote on which cymbals you like. Based on voting, Sabian will introduce four of these cymbals to the Sabian line.


Neil's videos:

14" click hats

21" HHX Groove Control Ride

Players Choice | You listen, You vote, You decide! | SABIAN Cymbals

Other featured drummers include:

Dave Weckl

Terry Bozzio

Mike Portnoy

Stefanie Eulinberg

Ray Luzier

Zigaboo Modeliste

Dave Elitch

Tony Braunagel

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posted by AndyO @ 8:57 PM   0 comments

Neil Peart interviewed in Modern Drummer December 2011 issue

Neil will be featured in the MD December 2011 issue.


MD December 2011 Information

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posted by AndyO @ 8:44 PM   0 comments

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Freddie Gruber obituary written by Neil Peart

Neil Peart has written an obituary for Freddie Gruber, posted on Hudson Music's website.

In Memoriam: Freddie Gruber by Neil Peart


posted by AndyO @ 9:44 AM   0 comments

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Drummer Freddie Gruber dies at age 84

Update 10/13/11: There are two new articles:


I was saddened to hear of Freddie Gruber's passing yesterday at the age of 84. He will be missed.

Gruber became known to Rush fans in the 1990s after Neil took off time to study with him. Gruber was instrumental in helping Neil change his feel and technique, culminating in the release of Rush's 1996 release Test for Echo.

In his instructional video A Work in Progress, Peart discussed many of Gruber's "dictums" and lessons. Gruber would join Neil in later videos, including the Drum Channel Master Class "Frontiers of Composition and Articulation."

Freddie Gruber and Neil Peart

In the 1995 Modern Drummer article, "Starting Over," Neil recounted his journey with Freddie  Here's an excerpt:

A lesson with Freddie Grubber is not about notes beats, or "chops." It's about the fingers, the wrists, the ankles, the feet - about the way the body moves naturally. In the same way, there is no Freddie Grubber "method" - he changes his approach to suit each individual, adapting his knowledge and experience to help accentuate your strengths and correct the weaknesses. Freddie's only goal, in his own words, is "to make the best possible you."

John Riley described Freddie to me as a "conceptual teacher," but that seems too dry for a character like Freddie, or for the roller coaster ride of studying with him. Whenever Freddie got excited about what he was trying to impart, he became a ball of pure energy - intensely earnest and physically animated - and my own energy level had to keep up with his. It wasn't easy.

To demonstrate the point he was making, Freddie did a little music hall dance for me, and I realized what he was showing me: It isn't about the steps, for most of the "dance" takes place in the air. He gave other examples: a piano player's fingering!, a cellist's bowing motion, a boxer' s stance. And - he took a deep breath - "playing the drums."

And then I saw it clearly for the first time - when we strike a drum with a stick or pedal-beater, the result is a note being sounded. But if you think about it, almost the whole motion is "non-note" - which is to say, it is the movement that accomplishes that note. So Freddie's unspoken method says, why not concentrate a little on the "non-note," since that is the major part of what we do?

Drum Channel has posted two free "Secrets from the Pros" videos to honor Freddie.

A great Jazz Times article about Freddie: "Freddie Gruber: None of a Kind."


posted by AndyO @ 9:00 PM   0 comments

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Taking Center Stage DVD released - Pick this one up!

Taking Center Stage: A Lifetime of Live Performances, released today, October 11. For more information about this DVD, go to the Taking Center Stage home page.

I've been able to watch two of the three discs so far, and while I'll be writing a more in-depth review about this DVD, here's a mini-review:

If you're a fan of Neil Peart, go out and get Taking Center Stage right now. It's that good.

Neil Peart

While I enjoyed Neil's other two instructional DVDs, A Work in Progress and Anatomy of a Drum Solo, the depth and breadth of this one goes beyond anything we've seen before. Here's why:

  • Nearly every song from the "Time Machine" tour is analyzed by Neil during interviews with co-producer Joe Bergamini. What makes the interviews so great is Bergamini asks all the questions I'd want to ask Neil about his drum parts.
  • Key sections in most songs are shown in real-time and in slow-motion. This means you get to see Neil fly through those three "YYZ" solo fills -- and then get to see it slowed down. I was surprised at how much I'd never seen before.
  • Each song is then shown during a Rush performance from drums-only cameras. The drum track is slightly louder than the bass, guitar, and vocals. All I can say is viewing Neil's performance from these cameras will give you a new appreciation of the man's talent. 

While the target audience is drummers for this DVD, I think many Rush fans will enjoy this DVD as well.


posted by AndyO @ 11:12 PM   0 comments

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Taking Center Stage now available at Guitar Center

You can now buy Neil Peart's new DVD "Taking Center Stage" at Guitar Center stores. Here's how you can find out if it's available at a store near you:

1. Go to

2. In the Pickup in Store section, type your ZIP code and click Find Store.

If you plan on picking up at a store, I recommend calling first -- even if this is listed as available now.


posted by AndyO @ 11:21 AM   0 comments

Taking Center Stage Contest at Guitar Center

Guitar Center is running a "Taking Center Stage" contest with some amazing prizes.

The Ultimate Neil Peart Prize Package Sweepstakes

Grand Prize:

  • Sabian Neil Peart Signature Paragon Cymbal Set
  • DW Neil Peart Time Machine Signature Snare Drum
  • Exclusive Remo Time Machine Bass Drum Head Signed by Neil Peart
  • Limited Edition Pro Mark Showcase stick set
  • "Taking Center Stage" DVD signed by Neil Peart

Runner-up prizes:

20 runner-up winners will receive a "Taking Center Stage" DVD set signed by Neil Peart.


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posted by AndyO @ 11:06 AM   0 comments

Thursday, October 06, 2011

The Making of Taking Center Stage: Part 4

The fourth and final installment of "The Making of Taking Center Stage" by lead editor and co-producer Joe Bergamini is now available:

Part 4: Post Production and Conclusions

I think this excerpt says it all!

I can't wait for everyone to see this thing! If, like me, you ever wore out a copy of Exit...Stage Left as a kid, I think you're going to be pretty amazed.

"Taking Center Stage: A Lifetime of Live Performances," is scheduled for an October 11 release date (confirmed with Hudson Music).

Go to the Taking Center Stage home page


posted by AndyO @ 7:14 PM   0 comments

Bubba's Far and Away Calendar 2012 available for pre-order

A 2012 calendar based on content from Neil Peart's book "Far and Away" is now available for pre-order.

Bubba's Far and Away Calendar 2012 - Showtech Merchandising


Here's more from Bubba's site:

Bubba and his sidekick Brutus have put together some of their favorite images and excerpts from the book FAR AND AWAY: A Prize Every Time, by their friend and best customer, Neil Peart. (Among regulars, that book is affectionately known as "F 'n' A.")

From Yellowstone National Park to the winter woods of Quebec to the highways of North America, South America, and Europe, each month offers a scenic escape and some words to ponder.

Order now, in time for the Pagan Midwinter Festival!

Thanks to Ed at Rushisaband for the head's up!


posted by AndyO @ 6:59 PM   0 comments

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Neil Peart discusses "Time Stand Still" in "Taking Center Stage" excerpt

In another excerpt from the upcoming instructional video "Taking Center Stage: A Lifetime of Live Performances," Neil Peart discusses "Time Stand Still."

In this excerpt, Neil discusses one of my favorite fills at the beginning of "Time Stand Still."


Go to the Taking Center Stage home page.


posted by AndyO @ 10:51 AM   0 comments

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Making of Taking Center Stage: Part 3

Part 3 of "The Making of Taking Center Stage" is now available:

Part 3: Death Valley - The Project Takes on Meaning

"Taking Center Stage: Lifetime of Live Performances," is scheduled for an November 8 release date (pushed back from October 14).


posted by AndyO @ 7:40 PM   0 comments

Neil Peart discusses "Limelight" in "Taking Center Stage" excerpt

In another excerpt from the upcoming instructional video "Taking Center Stage: A Lifetime of Live Performances," Neil Peart discusses "Limelight."

In this excerpt, you can see a few of the segments from the video, including: The Death Valley interview segment, the studio rehearsal segment, and the live segment where Neil's drums are slightly louder in the mix.

This is going to be an amazing video.

This video will be releasing on November 8.


posted by AndyO @ 12:09 AM   0 comments

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Neil Peart and Freddy Gruber lesson coming to Drum Channel's "Secrets from the Pros"

Just saw at the bottom of this page that there's an upcoming "Secrets from the Pros" lesson from Neil Peart and Freddy Gruber. More information when it's available.

Secrets From The Pros - Drum Channel - Online Drum Lessons, Drumming Techniques and Drum Shows


via iDrumMag

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posted by AndyO @ 7:54 PM   0 comments

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Press Release: Rush Releasing "Time Machine Live" 2CD Set November 8

Here's the Press Release about "Time Machine Live" from Roadrunner Records:

Rush Releasing "Time Machine Live" 2CD Set November 8

Some highlights:

On November 8, Rush will release:

  • Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland on CD
  • Moving Pictures: Live 2011 on vinyl and digital formats

Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland track listing:

Disc One
The Spirit Of Radio
Time Stand Still
Stick It Out
Workin' Them Angels
Leave That Thing Alone
Free Will
Tom Sawyer
Red Barchetta

Disc Two
The Camera Eye
Witch Hunt
Vital Signs
Moto Perpetuo (featuring Love for Sale)
O'Malley's Break
Closer to the Heart
2112 Overture/The Temples of Syrinx
Far Cry
La Villa Strangiato
Working Man


posted by AndyO @ 10:25 PM   0 comments

The Making of Taking Center Stage: Part 2

Part 2 of "The Making of Taking Center Stage" is now available:

Part 2: Coming to an Accord, Production Begins

There are also some new samples of the video available, as well as pictures on the Taking Center Stage home page.

"Taking Center Stage: Lifetime of Live Performances," is scheduled for an October 14 release date.




posted by AndyO @ 6:55 PM   0 comments

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Interview with Neil Peart's drum tech Lorne Wheaton

There's a nice interview with Lorne Wheaton in the Canadian Music scene, including many great pictures of the Time Machine kit during the set-up process.

The Canadian Music Scene - RUSH Road Crew Interviews

Lorne Wheaton



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posted by AndyO @ 1:31 PM   0 comments

The Making of Taking Center Stage: Part 1

From Hudson Music:

In this four-part series, Hudson Music's lead editor and co-producer of Taking Center Stage, Joe Bergamini, shares his personal insights and experiences from the process of planning and filming this unprecedented work.

The Making of Taking Center Stage - Taking Center Stage

Here's an excerpt:

As I walked up the steps to the restaurant, I glanced over toward the parking lot, and it looked empty. I assumed the Ghost Rider had gone, and was speeding over some distant highway back toward the Pacific Ocean. I had planned on meeting the rest of the Hudson crew at 7 a.m. for breakfast, but was up early, so I figured I would get a cup of coffee, read, and enjoy the scenery. As the hostess led me toward the back of the restaurant, I rounded a corner and found that I had been mistaken--there was Neil Peart, the man who inspired an entire generation of guys like me to play drums, and one of the most revered rock musicians of all time, sitting there alone, looking over his journal. Even after having met him in 2008, and having worked fairly closely with him since then on the project which is the topic of this story, I paused. Neil glanced up, smiled, and invited me to join him. He showed me some of the newest "passport stamps" he had collected on his visits to national parks.


posted by AndyO @ 1:24 PM   0 comments

Monday, September 12, 2011

Trailer and more details about Neil Peart's new instructional video

Neil Peart's new instructional DVD, "Taking Center Stage: Lifetime of Live Performances," is scheduled for an October 14 release date.

The website for this video now has a trailer, and more details about what's included: (The last bullet is the one I've always wanted to see!)

  • 6 hours of footage
  • Exclusive footage of Neil's drum rehearsals
  • Set-up and sound check footage
  • A backstage interview while Neil warms up for a Rush show
  • Documentary footage filmed in Death Valley National Park
  • Detailed discussions of classic Rush drum parts
  • Slow-motion drums-only demonstrations
  • PDF eBook with note-for-note transcriptions
  • A full Rush concert shot from the drum cameras only




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posted by AndyO @ 10:55 PM   0 comments

Happy Birthday, Neil Peart

It's Neil Peart's birthday today. To celebrate, I thought I'd turn to Neil's own words about his first few years from "A Port Boy's Story," published in the St. Catharines Standard on June 24 and 25, 1994.

MY STORY begins in 1952, on the family farm near Hagersville. Mom tells me they used to wrap me in swaddling clothes and lay me in a manger, but don't get me wrong - this was no Christmas story. They just wanted me out of the way while they did the milking. But the dimly lit barn, redolent of straw and manure, was an early imprint, and to this day a dairy farm always smells like home to me. Wherever I may travel, from Switzerland to Senegal, my deepest memories are triggered by ... cow dung.

posted by AndyO @ 10:32 PM   0 comments

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bid on Rush items for "Grapes for Humanity" auction

posted by AndyO @ 10:20 PM   0 comments

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Photos from Neil Peart's new instructional video

Neil Peart's new instructional DVD, "Taking Center Stage: Lifetime of Live Performances," is scheduled for an October 14 release date.

The website for this video now has a bunch of pictures from the production.

Go to the "Taking Center Stage" website.



Taking Center Stage photo

Thanks to Ed at for the head's up!

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posted by AndyO @ 7:52 PM   0 comments

Monday, August 29, 2011

Bubba's Book Club - September 2011 update

Neil has updated Bubba's Book Club. To read the update, click the link:

Issue 16: February 2011

In this edition, Neil writes about Aldous Huxley's After Many a Summer Dies the Swan.

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posted by AndyO @ 9:24 PM   0 comments

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Limited Edition Pro-Mark 747 Neil Peart model sticks

There's a limited edition of Neil Peart's Time Machine 747 sticks available, according to the Pro-Mark website. Not sure if this is new, but here's the information if you're interested:

Japanese White Oak 747 Neil Peart wood tip

Along with his band RUSH, Neil is responsible for writing and performing some of the most adventurous music of the modern rock era. Like a 5A, but longer with a thicker taper and larger tip. Versatile. Use in quiet applications or when more volume is required. Heavier in weight than the hickory version.

With RUSH'S "Time Machine" tour, Pro-Mark has created 3 different imprints of Neil's popular Shira Kashi Oak 747s. Of the 12 designs featured on Neil's "Steam Punk" tour kit, 3 of those designs will be featured on the sticks in copper ink. These sticks are special edition for a limited time!

Limited Edition Pro-Mark 747 Time Machine sticks

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posted by AndyO @ 9:48 PM   0 comments

New kits added to Replicas page

posted by AndyO @ 9:09 PM   0 comments

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

"Far and Away" now available on Kindle

For all you Kindle readers out there, you can now purchase the electronic version of Far and Away: A Prize Every Time.

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posted by AndyO @ 9:00 AM   0 comments

Monday, August 08, 2011

"Time Machine 2011" DVD and Blu-ray pre-order now available

You can now pre-order Rush's new concert video, "Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland." The video is scheduled to release on October 25, 2011 November 8.

Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland (DVD)

Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland [Blu-ray]


posted by AndyO @ 10:51 AM   0 comments

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Neil Peart's Time Machine drum setup in pictures

Some nice pictures of the "Time Machine" kit.

Also, there are excerpts from Rhythm Magazine's August 2011 interview with Neil and drum tech Lorne Wheaton.

Neil Peart's Time Machine drum setup in pictures |

Picture of Neil Peart's Time Machine kit

Thanks to PowerWindows for the head's up!


posted by AndyO @ 6:09 PM   0 comments

Monday, August 01, 2011

New Neil Peart instructional DVD scheduled for Oct 14 release

Neil Peart's new instructional DVD, "Taking Center Stage: A Lifetime of Live Performance," is scheduled for an October 14 release date.

You can read the announcement here on

You can pre-order on Amazon now:

Taking Center Stage: Lifetime of Live Performances

Taking Center Stage photo


Series: DVD

Publisher: Hudson Music

Format: DVD

Artist : Neil Peart

Release Date: 10/14/2011

Filmed in various locations over the course of a year, Neil Peart takes you on a behind-the-scenes look at Rush's 2010-11 Time Machine tour. This includes rare and exclusive footage of Neil's personal pre-tour rehearsals and backstage events at a Rush concert (including a visit to the soundcheck, and an unprecedented backstage interview as Neil warms up for the show). Neil also presents a detailed look at every single song in the tour's set list. Each song features analysis and demonstrations by Neil, which are coupled with a detailed PDF eBook containing transcription of his parts. At the end of each song discussion, the viewer is transported onstage to a Rush concert to see the actual live performance of the song from the perspective of the drum cameras only. 6 hours, 40 minutes.

Via Rushisaband

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posted by AndyO @ 1:47 PM   0 comments

Neil gives an unannounced drum class at KoSA Drum Camp

Update: 8/10/11 - Pro-Mark article about Neil's appearance.


Neil gave an unannounced drum class over the weekend at the 16th Annual KoSA International Percussion Workshop, Camp & Festival in Vermont.

Neil Peart at KoSA Workshop

Hudson Music posted a photo on their Facebook page.

According to comments:

An unannounced class by Professor Neil Peart at Kosa/Vermont. A pretty special day...

Neil did a great class and played drumset with a small percussion ensemble and he also played djembe with them to close out the class. A good time was had by all....


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posted by AndyO @ 1:39 PM   0 comments

Friday, July 29, 2011

Bid on Neil Peart's Burning for Buddy kit on eBay

Update: 8/10/11: The kit went for US $12,100.00


The kit used by Neil Peart for the October 2008 Buddy Rich Memorial is now on eBay. Dale's Drum Shop from Harrisburg, PA, is selling the kit.



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posted by AndyO @ 9:02 PM   0 comments

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Neil Peart: Drummer and fitness warrior: In-Your-Face Fitness

In this Los Angeles Times article, James S. Fell interviews Peart about how he's able to maintain a high level of stamina and fitness:

I wanted to discover how a rocker -- a career not known for promoting health or longevity -- can keep his body a skin-smashing machine after 37 years in the same rock trio giving calorie-combusting concert performances that would blow the lumbar discs and ventricles of lesser men.

Neil Peart: Drummer and fitness warrior: In-Your-Face Fitness -

Check out the photo gallery, too.

Thanks to for the head's up!


posted by AndyO @ 2:43 AM   0 comments

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Readers Poll: The Best Prog Rock Bands of All Time: 1. Rush - Rolling Stone Music

Rolling Stone held a poll for "The Best Prog Rock Bands of All Time," and Rush won. In a landslide.

Here are the comments:

Well, this poll wasn't even close. Rush won in a landslide -- but this couldn't come as any surprise. The Canadian trio have perhaps the most intense and enthusiastic fan community in all of rock. The band deserves such commitment. While most of their peers have fallen apart due to greed or laziness, Rush has maintained the same line-up since 1975 and their concerts are as spellbinding as they ever were. It's also beyond dispute that Neil Peart is the greatest drummer on the planet. They just wrapped up an epic tour where they played Moving Pictures straight through, and are working on a new album. Here's hoping that they bust out 2112 the next time out. It's the only way to top that last tour.

Readers Poll: The Best Prog Rock Bands of All Time: 1. Rush | Rolling Stone Music | Photos

I guess Rolling Stone is continuing to warm up to Rush. Unfortunately, their lack of research still shows, as they didn't even know that Rush performed "2112" on the Test for Echo tour.

Thanks to PowerWindows for the head's up!


posted by AndyO @ 8:20 PM   0 comments

Video of Peart jamming with Carey, Claypool, and Copeland

In April, Neil got together for a jam session with Daney Carey (Tool), Les Claypool (Primus), and Stewart Copeland (the Police) at Copeland's studio.

You can see the video for Count Drumula on

Neil Peart playing the drums at Stewart Copeland's studio

Thanks to Rushisaband for the head's up!

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posted by AndyO @ 8:12 PM   0 comments

Friday, July 15, 2011

New update - July, 2011

Update - 7/16/11 - Note that this story has two "pages." There are some great pictures of the Gorge show, as well as Neil's impressions on page 2.


Neil has updated his website with stories from the final leg of the "Time Machine" tour. You can read it here:

The Frying Pan and the Freezer

Neil riding at sunrise

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posted by AndyO @ 8:12 PM   0 comments

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bubba's Book Club index of reviews

You can now peruse all of Neil's Bubba's Book Club reviews in a handy author index.

Go to the author index.


posted by AndyO @ 2:14 AM   0 comments

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Review: Time Machine Tour: Phoenix, AZ - June 16, 2011

This was my first show on the 2011 "Time Machine" tour, and my third for both legs of the tour.


I flew down to Phoenix to visit my friend Dan and family and see a Rush show. On our last adventure in 2010, Dan and I traveled to Las Vegas to see Rush at the MGM Grand (Rush hadn't played in Phoenix for the 2010 leg). That had been an amazing show -- and quite a contrast from the outdoor show I'd seen in Washington State at White River Amphitheater.

This time, Rush was playing the indoor U.S. Airways Center instead of the usual outdoor Cricket Amphitheater (or whatever it's called these days). Given the oppressive Phoenix heat (only 110-degrees Fahrenheit!), I thought this a wise choice� until I walked in the venue, where it felt like a sauna. (And it never cooled off throughout the night, so I'm assuming the AC was broken.)

Before the show

Like the Vegas show, Dan and I got some excellent seats right off the floor -- but on Geddy's instead of Alex's side.

Phoenix - before the concert 

Since we were an hour early, Dan and I sat, talked, and did a lot of people watching. Dan spotted the professional golfer Rocco Mediate backstage, talking to some of the Rush crew. Given that Dan is a huge golf fan (and excellent golfer himself), he was excited to see someone like Rocco there.

When Rocco walked from backstage onto the floor Dan called out to him, and Rocco waved back. A few minutes later, Rocco walked up the steps from the floor, and he stopped to say hello. Dan asked if he'd been golfing with Alex Lifeson that day (on Thursday), but Rocco said they'd golfed the day before. Rocco asked if we'd seen the show, and commented on how amazing it was. (Weeks after this encounter, whenever I mentioned to golfers that I met Rocco Mediate at a concert, they think I was lucky. I guess the playoff he had with Tiger Woods in 2008 was a big deal in the golf world.)

The next celebrity we spotted was Randy Johnson, former MLB fastball pitcher for (my) Seattle Mariners, (Dan's) Diamondbacks, and the Yankees (among others). He was talking to Gump and a few other Rush crew members backstage. When the other photographers gathered before the show, Randy gathered with them holding his camera. He shot photos during the first three songs, but also took pictures throughout the show (at one point, he took photos behind Neil's kit). Read more about Johnson's love of music and photography here.

Set One

After the opening video (which I still find hilarious), the band blasted through "The Spirit of Radio." The crowd around us was supercharged for the first two songs, with guys high-fiving and hugging each other. After that, they seemed to settle down. (Of course they settled was 85 degrees in the building.)

When Geddy greeted the crowd, he also commented on the heat:

A friend of mine, Paul Secord, had mentioned how "dialed in" Rush was at a show in Chicago earlier this year, and now I knew what he meant. Not only were they playing tighter, but there was a more relaxed feel to what they were playing. It seemed like Rush had arrived at some new level of musicianship, something that had started during the Test for Echo tour.

For Neil Peart in particular, he seems to have found the sweet spot of playing composed drum parts with fire, fluidity, and some improvisation. This difference in feel is one of the reasons the songs have such a nice groove on this tour.

Rush in Phoenix - 2011

Geddy has always maintained a high level of musicianship, and I've rarely seen him make mistakes (which is amazing, when you consider all he has to do). While he's been working on his "Flamenco" bass style since Counterparts, the way he locks in with Neil is one of the signatures of the Rush sound. And he's not afraid to add improvisation at the right moment: At the end of "Leave That Thing Alone," he started ripping on the bass, whipping the crowd into a frenzy. Afterward, he apologized for his "self-indulgence."

Rush in Phoenix - 2011

Alex Lifeson also seems to have found a new groove on the "Time Machine" tour. While not as precise as Geddy and Neil, his playing is like an emotional current racing across the rhythm section. In the older songs, like "La Villa Strangiato" and "Working Man," he played solos that made my jaw drop. As I commented to Dan, "Alex is the the most underrated guitar player out there."

Dirty Dancing at Rush

Concerts are always an interesting place to people watch, but some of what I saw at this show was new to me.

Right in front of me stood a very attractive woman and her male counterpart. Not only was she dancing along to every song, she and her companion were dirty dancing. After a few too many beers, the dancing  got so sensual and provocative that even the Rush crew started to notice. The woman finally made the guy stand in front of her so he couldn't run his hands all over her anymore. (You can actually see them change places in the video above.)

Set Two

Then came the second part of the show, the part where Rush plays Moving Pictures in its entirety. I wondered if I would grow tired of hearing this album by the third show, but I didn't.

During "The Camera Eye," I noticed that Geddy wasn't playing anything on the keyboards. The entire keyboard beginning of that song is sequenced (which I understand given that Geddy probably wants a short break ). But on this night, some of the keyboard parts were out of sync somehow -- and Geddy wasn't happy, as he motioned for the guy on the side of the stage to fix it. I've seen this before with Geddy, where he gets visibly frustrated. During moments like this, you get a sense of his perfectionism.

Drum Solo

Neil's solo was once again amazing -- probably the best I'd ever seen. The looser, more fluid technique helped propel the beginning improvised section. I especially noticed during the "floating snare" section.

The electronic section also sounded fresh, but I'm not sure how much he's changed it from last year. The triplet rhythms he plays across the on-the-beat tambourine part are really tricky, especially when he's playing the melodic part on the midi marimba. I'm always amazed how he keeps everything together.

And just when you think he can't do more, he shifts to the "Love for Sale" section. I remember getting a little bored with the horn sections he played in the 90s (like the solo on Show of Hands), but the Jazz sections of his solos since Vapor Trails have always kept my interest and are the perfect climax for the solo.

"Closer to the Heart" onward

From "Closer to the Heart" to the end of the show, the "Time Machine" set built to a crescendo. While I used to tire of "Working Man" on previous tours, I think the Reggae style at the beginning really helps to keep that song fresh. There are moments in "Working Man" where Rush seem like they're just jamming -- like you walked into their garage. While the solo section of this song isn't as structured as, say, the middle sections of "Free will," "Caravan," or "Marathon," it's no less interesting. I swear Alex almost set fire to his guitar with the solo he played.

At this point, I pointed out to Dan that the concert seemed sold out. There were people packed to the rafters, except on the sides, which were blocked off with black curtains (possibly due to obstructed views). (I've found out since the concert that Rush sold 10,777 out of 12,472 available seats.)

Dan and I agreed beforehand that we'd exit during the outro "I Still Love You, Man" film, since we'd seen it already and it would give us a jump on traffic. We dashed out onto the downtown streets by 10:50 and were home by 11:30. As is tradition, we stopped at Wendy's by Dan's house in Tempe. As I was eating, I realized I had salt stains on my t-shirt -- something that doesn't happen to me unless I'm playing drums at a concert.

I guess salt stains can happen at Rush concerts, too (especially when the damn AC is broken).

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posted by AndyO @ 7:06 PM   0 comments