In case you hadn't heard (I was on vacation, so I'm just getting around to posting), Rush is releasing the long-awaited Vapor Trails remix on October 1, 2013, (Sept 30 internationally). There's also a 7-disc box set of the Atlantic Studio albums that Rush recorded releasing at the same time. You can pre-order here:
There will also be digital releases.

More info from (with links added by me):
The Newly Remixed Version Of Vapor Trails And 7-Disc Boxed Set Of Atlantic Studio Albums
Both Are Available On October 1 from Atlantic/Rhino (September 30 internationally)
In 2009, two tracks from VAPOR TRAILS ("One Little Victory" and "Earthshine") were remixed for the Retrospective III collection, setting you all into a frenzy in anticipation of a possible remixed version of the entire album being released one day. That time has come.
The Vapor Trails Remixed album will be available on CD, Double LP, and digital download on October 1 from Atlantic/Rhino.
"Vapor Trails was an album made under difficult and emotional circumstances -- sort of like Rush learning how to be Rush again -- and as a result, mistakes were made that we have longed to correct. David Bottrill�s remixes have finally brought some justice and clarity to this deserving body of our work," says Geddy Lee.
"Every song has been given a new life, from the fire of 'One Little Victory,' 'Secret Touch,' and 'Ceiling Unlimited' to the melodic musicality of 'Sweet Miracle' and 'How It Is'... these songs have been redeemed. Thank you David!"
The remixed version of VAPOR TRAILS will also be included in the new 7-disc boxed set RUSH: THE STUDIO ALBUMS 1989-2007, which features every studio album Rush recorded for Atlantic Records. The collection includes the Gold & Platinum albums Presto (1989), Roll The Bones (1991), Counterparts (1993), and Test For Echo (1996), as well as their covers EP Feedback (2004) and the Billboard Top 5 album Snakes & Arrows (2007). THE STUDIO ALBUMS 1989-2007 features each album presented in a wallet sleeve that faithfully reproduces the original artwork (except for VAPOR TRAILS, which features a reinterpreted version of the original cover) and is also available on October 1 from Atlantic/Rhino.
Neil Peart also wrote about the remix in his July 2013 update, "On These Days."
The band had recently been overseeing a remixed version of our Vapor Trails album, from 2002, as we had never been happy with how it turned out. I found that trying to listen to those songs again was too upsetting, taking me back to a mindset and emotional state that hadn't been good to live through then, or to relive now. I had to "recuse" myself from those judgments, and the Guys at Work understood, of course.
Labels: CD News, vapor trails remix