Neil Peart -- The Latest News

Friday, October 02, 2009

Power and Peart

This was posted a week or so ago, but here's a picture of Power (Ari Gold) and Neil Peart after filming a video together at Drum Channel headquarters. Neil Peart has a cameo in the movie Adventures of Power.


Here's what Ari wrote about Neil on his blog:

September 24, 2009

There are few people I've met in my life that are as generous and soulful as drummer, lyricist, writer, and proud new father Neil Peart. Last week I was on tour with my band in Los Angeles, and Neil took five hours out of his schedule to drive up to Drum Channel in Oxnard and shoot an interview with me about the power of music to change lives. "Adventures of Power" is running a charity to support music education and Neil's a part of it. Afterwards I got in costume as Power and we shot an air-drums-versus-drums video. Drum Channel is editing it all right now and it'll be ready soon!

If you're looking for lessons on how to live a good life, how to ride the ups and downs, pick up his book "Roadshow".

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