Neil Peart -- The Latest News

Thursday, October 11, 2007

UK residents only - Sign a petition to encourage the study of the works of Neil Peart

There is an official e-petition in the UK to add Neil Peart's work to English literature courses. This petition is part of a beta program where British citizens can create electronic petitions for the Prime Minister to consider.

The details from the petition creator, Ian Coley:

"Neil Peart, one of the finest wordsmiths still alive to-day, would be one of the finest authors for young British students to study. His works makes such works as Ayn Rand, Shakespeare, Dickens and other great writers more accessible to a new generation."

If you're a UK citizen, you can sign the petition (link below). At this point, there's only one signature.

Petition to: to encourage the study of the works of Neil Peart within English literature courses.


posted by AndyO @ 12:33 PM   0 comments