Neil Peart -- The Latest News

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ari Gold's interview with Neil Peart

A few years ago, Ari Gold interviewed Neil Peart at the Drum Channel studios. The interview eventually ended up as an Extra on the Adventures of Power US DVD release (it will be available as a download for people outside the U.S. in a few weeks). The interview is now available as a transcript on Ari's website.

It's a fascinating interview, where Ari and Neil cover many topics, including the importance of music education in schools, karma, perseverance, filmmaking, travel, the Grateful Dead, the importance of not reading reviews of your work, and Neil's advice for parents whose kids want to become drummers.

Read the full interview
Neil Peart and Ari Gold

If you're interested in more, I interviewed Ari before the release of Adventures of Power on DVD, where he goes into more detail about working with Neil. Making Something Out of Nothing: An interview with Ari Gold

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