Neil Peart -- The Latest News

Monday, September 21, 2009

Burning the Days available on 9/22/09

The new Vertical Horizon album, Burning the Days, is available to purchase on Tuesday, 9/22.

Neil wrote about his work on this album in this News, Weather, and Sports update from 2006. He collaborated on the lyrics for one song and played drums on three songs.

Go to the Vertical Horizon website for more information

The tracks include:

  1. "All Is Said and Done"
  2. "The Lucky One"
  3. "The Middle Ground"
  4. "I Believe in You"
  5. "Save Me From Myself" drums by Neil Peart
  6. "Carrying On"
  7. "Back to You"
  8. "Can You Help Me"
  9. "Afterglow"
  10. "Here"
  11. "Welcome to the Bottom" drums by Neil Peart
  12. "Even Now" Lyrics and drums by Neil Peart, Music by Matt Scannell


posted by AndyO @ 10:54 PM   0 comments