Saturday, August 08, 2009

New NEP News Update: "A Little Yellow Cabin on Yellowstone Lake"

Neil has posted an update to his website called "A Little Yellow Cabin on Yellowstone Lake - August 2009."

In this update, Neil writes about his last solo trip before "the Blessed Event--the birth of our baby in August. After that, I wouldn't be going anywhere for a while."

Neil has so much to say in this update, there are actually two parts. One of the most interesting for me was the section where he breaks down the history behind the lyrics for "Manhattan Project."

There are other interesting reflections on what's good about America, opinions on Ralph Nader and Jane Fonda, and new country song lyrics.



  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    First congrats on the upcoming birth of your child. Truly a miracle. I know; I've got two of these little miracles myself...under five and under foot. ;-) Ahem, but I digress. Anywho, I really enjoyed your observations on Yellowstone and the historical ties as well. It made me recall my trip with my wife and family back in the early 90s after the devastating fires; however, even the fires couldn't take away from the sheer magnificence of the place. It also happened to be the trip that I was really into Miles Davis and I recall listening to "Kind of Blue" as we 'vanned' around the park. BTW...sidebar,I hope you continue to write your travel journals. Have truly enjoyed reading them after my girls have gone to sleep at night. They've kept me somewhat sane. ;-) Am now reading about your trip via bicycle in Africa. Look forward to your future writing.

  2. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Dear Author !
    What impudence!

  3. Anonymous5:20 AM

    I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
    And you et an account on Twitter?

  4. Sure, go ahead and quote me (although I'm not sure what you're quoting). Feel free to send me mail at
