Monday, July 20, 2009

New Vertical Horizon album delayed to 9/22

Updated 7/30 - Song clips of all songs are now available on


Updated 7/20 - The new Vertical Horizon album, entitled Burning the Days, has been pushed back to 9/22/09 according to the band's Twitter account.

Update - we're delaying "Burning the Days" for just a few weeks to 9/22/09. Please hang in there! It's gonna be worth it! Thanks everybody.

More information available here.

Thanks to Rushisaband for the head's up!


Neil wrote about his work on this album in this News, Weather, and Sports update from 2006. He collaborated on the lyrics for one song and played drums on three songs.

You can listen to All Is Said and Done on the Vertical Horizon MySpace page.

Also, Save Me From Myself is available at on the First Listen page. While we don't know the names of all the songs Neil played on, Save Me From Myself seems to include some aspects of Neil's style. Let me know what you think.

Thanks to Rushisaband for the information!

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