Neil Peart -- The Latest News

Saturday, February 16, 2008

NEP recommended reading: Issue 9

It's been almost a year since Neil's last recommended reading update, as he's been out on tour with RUSH. In his latest book recommendations, he reviews This is Your Life, by John O'Farrell, The Emperor's Children by Claire Messud, Unfinished Journey (Twenty Years Later) by Yehudi Menuhin, This Is Your Brain on Music by Daniel J. Levitin, and Metal Swarm (The Saga of Seven Suns - Book 6) by Kevin J. Anderson.

I rather enjoyed how he began the last book review:

Consider it duly noted that Kevin Anderson is a good friend of mine, but that would not be enough to earn a glowing review from Bubba's Book Club.
      Being Bubba's friend doesn't hurt either, of course, though it can be hard for Bubba not to be envious (the first deadly sin -- I know) of a writer like Kevin, who is so prolific, so fulfilled, and so accomplished.

Finally, he adds a homework assignment to read Newfoundland author Wayne Johnston, The Colony of Unrequited Dreams, and The Custodian of Paradise. He writes:

A few years back I was asked to contribute to a year-end newspaper article on "my favorite book of the year." If I had been asked last year, I would have named these two.
      Enough said. Check them out. (Of the library, or better yet, buy them. Support the poor, deserving author.)








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