Sunday, May 10, 2015

R40 Live Photo of the Night - Lincoln, NE - May 10, 2015

Rush played their second show on the R40 Live tour tonight. Like the Clockwork Angels tour, Rush appears to be swapping some songs each night. While we don't know how many sets we'll end up with, I'd expect at least three or four.  

In past tours, I used the official Rush tour photos for Photo of the Night. For this tour, it doesn't appear Rush is posting official photos as they have for many tours; instead, they're inviting fans to post to Twitter or Instagram using tags for each city (for example, #r40lnk for Lincoln, NE). Given that this is the case, I'll be using one or more photos that have been posted using the #r40 tags.

For Lincoln, the Photo of the Night comes from Michael Dixon. Thanks for sharing on Twitter, Michael!
