Monday, February 16, 2015

Neil Peart in new Sacred Grove video: "A Little More Noise"

For a few years, Stuart Copeland has been hosting "wild jams" at his Sacred Grove studio. These jams have included musicians such as Snoop Dog (Lion), Taylor Hawkins (Foo Fighters), Les Claypool (Primus), Larry Lalonde (Primus), Stanley Clarke, Andy Summers (The Police), and Neil Peart.

Now Copeland has released a new jam, "A Little More Noise," with Peart and Danny Carey (Tool) on drums. Other musicians include Matt Scannell (Vertical Horizon), Matt Stone (South Park/Book of Mormon), Mike Dolbear, Thomas Lang, Dave Elich, and Aaron Sterling.

Copeland wrote in the YouTube description:

Some new drums arrived so Peart and Carey came over to lay heavy hands upon them. Scannell and I banged out any old riffs while Stone chimed the gongs.
Couple days later four MORE drummers dropped by and took up the horns. The piano was an afterthought.

Copeland also posted this Tweet:

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