Sunday, August 24, 2014

Kevin J. Anderson announces 2113 novella and Rush-based story anthology

Update - 9/17/14

When I first posted this, I somehow missed one of the major announcements. Reading Kevin's most recent blog entry, I can see there are actually three Rush-related releases that Kevin is working on.

1. An anthology of Rush-inspired stories that he's co-editing.

2. A new novella that Kevin is writing entitled 2113

3. A sequel to Clockwork Angels entitled Clockwork Lives that Kevin is writing with Neil Peart.


At Rushcon 2014 this weekend, Clockwork Angels: The Novel author  Kevin J. Anderson had two big Rush-related announcements: A new novella he's writing entitled 2113, as well as an anthology of Rush-based stories he's co-editing.

Kevin also made the announcement via his NEW Facebook page:

For those of you NOT lucky enough to be at Rushcon, I made an announcement this afternoon about an anthology of Rush-based stories I'll be coediting with John McFetridge for ECW (publishers of Clockwork Angels). We have a gang of award-winning and bestselling authors already lined up to contribute stories based on Rush songs. And I'll be doing a novella called "2113".

Thanks to Kevin for the head's up!

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