Monday, February 17, 2014

Rush Timeline at

John at has put together a beautiful, interactive Rush Timeline on his site that captures important dates in Rush's history. As John writes in the introduction:

As Rush begin the celebration of their 40th anniversary since the release of the band's debut album, and as Cygnus-X1.Net itself approaches its 10th anniversary later this year, I decided it was time to honor both occasions with a new section to this site: The Rush Timeline...

So, after many months of research and coding, the Rush Timeline is now online and contains well in excess of 200 entries covering not only album release dates and tours, but other significant events and accolades of the band and its members.


As a fellow Rush webmaster, I fully understand how much work a project like this involves -- even if the end result appears effortless. I want to congratulate John on creating an excellent Rush resource for all the fans to enjoy -- and also look forward to seeing future updates. Great work, John!

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