Monday, December 23, 2013

Clockwork Angels graphic novel coming March 2014

Even though Rush won't be on the tour or releasing a new album during 2014, fans now have something to look forward to: a graphic novel adaptation of Clockwork Angels.

Written by Kevin J. Anderson, who also wrote Clockwork Angels: The Novel, and illustrated by artist Nick Robles, the first of six issues will be published in mid-March 2014 by Boom! Studios.

You can pre-order Clockwork Angels #01 on the Boom! Studios website.

Today, Anderson posted a new blog entry CLOCKWORK ANGELS Graphic Novel-Meet the Artist, Nick Robles. He writes of Robles:

Neil and I both loved his work.  And when Nick started sending a flood of concept sketches of the characters--Owen Hardy, Mr. Paquette, Lavinia, the Pedlar, the Watchmaker, the Anarchist--and steamliners, the pedlar's steampunk cart, we knew we had the right guy.  AND he's a Rush fan, so what more could we ask for?

Also, in case you missed it: In early December, USA Today interviewed Anderson and Peart about the upcoming adaptation, which also included some concept art by Robles.

Can't wait to see how this project comes together!

Concept art for Owen Hardy by Nick Robles

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