Saturday, September 21, 2013

New article by Neil Peart: "Drummer with a Singletrack Mind"

Neil Peart has posted an article he wrote for a British motorcycling weekly. Because he was writing for a new audience, Neil explained many more details about his daily routine on the road:

Since 1996 I have been traveling on Rush tours by motorcycle, riding to virtually every concert in the United States, Canada, South America, and Europe. Hundreds of shows, tens of thousands of miles, and a million memories -- almost all good, and many spectacular, like the American West, the Brazilian rainforest, the Stelvio Pass, and the Yorkshire Dales.

A more-or-less typical example of my touring life would be the U.K. part of our Clockwork Angels tour in May, 2013. Here's how it works...

Drummer with a Singletrack Mind


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