Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rush inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

After being eligible since 1998, Rush was finally inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Rush joins Public Enemy, Heart, Randy Newman, Donna Summer, and Albert King, Lou Adler, and Quincy Jones in the class of 2013.

Here's the official press release from Rolling Stone.

Rush released a statement on Rush.com:

"We are honored to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The 3 of us are especially appreciative of our loyal fans whose support and dedication has gone a long way to making this possible. P.S. And special thanks to our moms for voting 6000 times!" - Alex, Geddy, & Neil

Here's a Rolling Stone Interview with Geddy Lee about the induction.

Here's the announcement video:

It's been a long road for Rush (and many of the fellow artists inducted this year). Congratulations to Geddy, Alex, and Neil, as well as the fans who petitioned the Hall for years. 

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