Saturday, December 01, 2012

Michael Shrieve interview with Neil Peart airs Sunday, Dec 2 @ 9 a.m. PST

Michael Shrieve, Seattle-based drummer of Santana/Woodstock fame, interviewed Neil Peart as part of his Jet City Stream show Notes from the Field. The interview took place on Nov 13 when Rush played Seattle and will air on Sunday, Dec 2, @ 9 a.m. Pacific (12 p.m. Eastern).

Seattle Music Insider's Greg Roth interviewed Shrieve about the interview (thanks, Rushisaband!)

Here's an excerpt:

I asked Michael how he was able to land this special interview with an individual who typically shuns these types of affairs. Shrieve reports, "He's very difficult to get ahold of! I first contacted drummer Terry Bozzio, who put me in touch with Don Lombardi, who is head of Drum Workshop drum company, who all three of us endorse and play, and Don put me in touch with Neil's drum tech, who then spoke to Neil and from there it was set up. However, Neil's personal security guy would not allow me to have anyone in the room except myself and my producer who recorded the interview." The two drummers discuss a lot more than just drumming. "I was so impressed with Neil, and we had a great conversation about music, drums, life, and books!" Shrieve added.

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