Monday, October 01, 2012

Clockwork Angels tour - Leg One report - Oct 1

Rush completed the first leg of their Clockwork Angels tour after 12 shows. The last show of the leg was in Edmonton, AB. They'll pick up the tour again in Bridgeport, CT, on October 10.

The Show

I've heard that some people like the set list, some don't; but I'm just happy that Rush is still out on the road playing new music. I became a fan in the 80s -- so a lot of the songs they're playing are my favorites. But I realize how difficult it is to please everyone.

You have to admire how much Rush has changed things things up on this tour. Besides the set list changes, they're sharing the stage with a small string section for the first time. But the biggest surprise to me is that they're switching and/or mixing up to six songs each night. (I'm not even sure if they've ever played the exact set twice.)

In the drum department, Neil's still using the Time Machine kit. But he's now playing three shorter drum solos instead one longer piece.


As with previous tours, John Arrowsmith is taking some great photos every night. I've been posting my favorite "photos of the night" after each show. Here are two from this leg that I really like:

St. Louis, MO - Sep 22, 2012

One of the best action shots I've seen of Neil -- and he's even smiling! (Actually, there are a lot of Neil smiling from this tour.)


Indianapolis, IN - Sep 13, 2012

Neil firing a t-shirt air cannon into the crowd. I found out that he's been doing this every night (as far as I know).


Twitter updates from the road

I've also enjoyed following Neil and his "West Coast Beemer Boyz" on Twitter during this tour. If you've missed these, or don't use Twitter, here are some of my favorite tweets:

Sep 30

"Bubba and birds in migration. Saskatchewan 7,060 miles."


Sep 28

"WSBB in at the lovely Elk Ridge Lodge, Saskatchewan."

(Neil Peart, Michael, and Brutus)


Sep 26

"Michael sez, "Tatanka!""


Sep 26

"Bubba sez, "Thus spake... more cowbell.""

Sep 25

"bba sez, "What doth it profit a man who ride 450 miles, of which 50 are nice?""

Sep 11

"A mad warm Happy Birthday to Bubba from his �crash worthy� WSBB! "Once more unto the breach, my friends, once more...""

Aug 25

"The Bubba Machine!"


Thanks to Neil's "crash worthy" WSBB, Michael, for posting the updates and photos (and keeping Neil safe on the road).

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