Thursday, July 05, 2012

Drummer's Reality Camp Roundtable video with Neil Peart

Update - 7/21/12: All three parts are now available at now.


Neil Peart participated in a roundtable for LA Music Academy's 3rd Drummer Reality Camp on Friday, June 29, 2012. The other panelists included Jim Keltner, Doane Perry and Don Lombardi with moderator Michael Packer. Michael posted a photo of the event to his Facebook site:

image also filmed the event and now has Part 1 on their website (subscription required to view):

Roundtable Discussion with Neil Peart, Jim Keltner and Doane Perry Part 1

Description from

50 students attended this class and they all agreed they would never approach the drum set the same again. It's not about writing the song, it's about how a drummer should compose his part to enhance the song. This is a passionate in-depth look at how these legends approach their instrument. This is a four part Roundtable that could shape your entire career.

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