Saturday, March 24, 2012

Video of Neil Peart from Vertical Horizon session

Matt Scannell of Vertical Horizon posted an update on their Pledge Music page, which includes some amazing footage of Neil Peart working in the studio. Matt says that they're working on two songs with Neil, including one called "Instamatic."

Matt also talks briefly about Neil's new DW drum kit, which he says is "maple and mahogany blended together." Hopefully we'll hear more from DW soon about this kit.

Pledge Music is an interesting "direct-to-fan" model where people can pledge to help an artist make an album -- kind of like pledging to NPR or PBS -- and get something cool in return. For example, you can get a signed CD ($25) or Vertical Horizon playing a private event ($25,000). You can pledge here.

The NEP bashing begins around the 4:25 mark.

Check out Neil's performances on Vertical Horizon's 2009 release Burning the Days. Neil plays on:

"Save Me From Myself" drums by Neil Peart

"Welcome To The Bottom" drums by Neil Peart

"Even Now" Lyrics and drums by Neil Peart, Music by Matt Scannell

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