Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Neil Peart planning to play on next Vertical Horizon album

Neil Peart is planning on playing on the next Vertical Horizon album, although it's still in the works. The news came out in a NAMM interview with DW drum maker John Good on YouTube. Good also talked about making a new drum kit for the recording session.

Vertical Horizon confirmed that it's talking to Neil about this session on the Pledge Music website (you need to pledge or sign in to get the entire update):

Okay this BIG news has come out online, and it's not definite yet...

... but we're working to make it happen. I won't comment publicly online about it yet, but since it's out there I wanted you to see this. Neil and I are working on the scheduling, and DW has kindl...

I'm not sure if this means that Neil is going to perform as a guest on a few Vertical Horizon songs, as he did on Burning the Days, or more. More updates as I get them.

Thanks to Rushisaband for the head's up.

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