Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Happy 2112 Day!

Thanks to the American date format -- 2/1/12 -- Wednesday, February 1, 2012, has been proclaimed 2112 Day, also known as International Rush Day

What are you going to do to celebrate? Of course, you'll be playing Rush's 2112 -- preferably the entire album. But listening to the isolated drums for "Overture" isn't a bad idea either. Reading the handwritten lyrics by Neil Peart is probably required -- especially if you've never seen these.

Original "2112" artwork by Neil Peart

Here are a few listening parties:

Make Feb 1st International Rush Day - Facebook Event

RushCon and Rush Radio are sponsoring a 2112 listening party.

Articles: gives their tribute to Rush Day

RTT news: February 1st Named International Rush Day





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