Thursday, October 06, 2011

Bubba's Far and Away Calendar 2012 available for pre-order

A 2012 calendar based on content from Neil Peart's book "Far and Away" is now available for pre-order.

Bubba's Far and Away Calendar 2012 - Showtech Merchandising


Here's more from Bubba's site:

Bubba and his sidekick Brutus have put together some of their favorite images and excerpts from the book FAR AND AWAY: A Prize Every Time, by their friend and best customer, Neil Peart. (Among regulars, that book is affectionately known as "F 'n' A.")

From Yellowstone National Park to the winter woods of Quebec to the highways of North America, South America, and Europe, each month offers a scenic escape and some words to ponder.

Order now, in time for the Pagan Midwinter Festival!

Thanks to Ed at Rushisaband for the head's up!

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