Friday, June 03, 2011

Lorne Wheaton video tour of "Time Machine" kit

At the London O2 Rush show, Rhythm Magazine got a tour of the "Time Machine" kit from drum tech, Lorne Wheaton. You can watch the video here:

Here's the info from Rhythm Magazine:

On May 25, 2011, Rhythm ventured to London to interview The Professor, Rush's Neil Peart, for a forthcoming issue of the magazine.
In addition to the interview we also headed to the stage of the O2 Arena for an exclusive tour of Neil's phenomenal Time Machine kit with his long-time tech Lorne Wheaton. Join us on stage for a AAA look at one of the greatest drum set-ups on the planet!
Our thanks to Lorne for the tour and to Chris from Sabian for helping us set this up.

Thanks to for the head's up!

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