Monday, April 18, 2011

National Post Interview with Neil Peart about "Far and Away"

In this interview, Neil discusses his new book, Far and Away.

To his own drum: Rush's Neil Peart explores the world's back roads in Far and Away

Rush drummer Neil Peart poses for a portrait in the band's Toronto rehearsal space, Wednesday afternoon, March 23, 2011.

In case you're wondering, there are a bunch of inaccuracies in the article (as well as a typo).

"Everything's been custom-made," he says, tracing his fingers over African drums, Indian drums, valves and electronic pads. "I was a part of the whole concept process. ... I went over 200 different samples [before] choosing these ones for my solo."

It sounds like the interviewer mixed up what Neil was saying about auditioning samples with the actual drums.

Thanks to Rushisaband for the head's up!

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