Sunday, September 05, 2010

Chromey appearance on Sept 5, 2010 to support Caden Mitchell

Just a reminder that this event is taking place today in Woodstock, IL.


Chromey will be making a special appearance to help raise money for Caden Mitchell, who has Hunter Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder. If you're in the Woodstock, IL, on September 5, stop by Woodstock Harley Davidson and check out Chromey. Let's help raise some money for Caden.

You can also donate online here.

See the poster below for information.

Caden Palooza image

The owner of Chromey, Dean, sent me this information about Caden and Hunter Syndrome:

Donations go to benefit 5 year old Caden Mitchell who was diagnosed with Hunter Syndrome in 2009. Hunter Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder affecting only 500 people in the United States. HS is a lysosomal storage disease caused by a deficient or absent enzyme which help break down specific chemical byproducts in the body. The disease can cause abdominal hernias, infections, deformities, and lead to organ damage. There is one new treatment for HS, an enzyme replacement therapy called Elaprase which Caden is receiving, but it is very expensive.

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