Friday, November 13, 2009

Drummers test drive Peart's 1974 Slingerland kit in Indianapolis

Now that the PASIC drum show has started, drummers have been trying out Peart's 1974 Slingerland kit. Michael D.F. Lowe of, who supervised the restoration, has affectionately named the kit "Chromey."

To play the kit, drummers are giving donations to the American Cancer Society. But you don't have to be in Indianapolis to donate as part of the Rush Fans team. I donated. Scott Whalen of did too. Let's help the team raise $10,000. Click to donate now.

I've started receiving e-mail from people who have taken "Chromey" out for a test spin.

Mark Gausel was the first drummer to play the kit, and took a bunch of pictures. He wrote of the experience, "This is the best a drummer could hope for. Had to play Fly by Night and 2112."

Mark Gausel on Peart's Slingerland kit

Doug Foley also tried out Chromey and stood behind the Snakes & Arrows kit for a nice picture.

Doug Foley stands behind Peart's Snakes kit.

See the pictures on the new PASIC show in Indianapolis page. And if you attend the show, send me and e-mail with your reflections on seeing the kits, as well as any pictures you want to share.

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