Sunday, October 11, 2009

Neil Peart's favorite top 10 Atlantic Canada books

Stephen Clare and Trevor Adams of Halifax Magazine are holding a web poll to find the top 100 Atlantic Canadian books ever written. The results will be published in Spindrift: The 100 Greatest Atlantic Canadian Books Ever Written.

As they write on their website:

By way of methodology, we are polling over 1,500 writers, readers and literary people of all sorts across the country to submit their "Top 10" list of fiction/non-fiction works from the East Coast.

According to, one of the writers polled was Neil Peart, who weighs in with his top 10:

Barometer Rising by Hugh MacLennan

The Colony of Unrequited Dreams: A Novel by Wayne Johnston

The Custodian of Paradise: A Novel by Wayne Johnston

Fall On Your Knees by Ann-Marie Macdonald

The Way the Crow Flies: A Novel by Ann-Marie Macdonald

The Republic of Nothing by Lesley Choyce

An Avalanche of Ocean: The Life and Times of a Nova Scotia Immigrant by Lesley Choyce

Shipping News: A Novel by E. Annie Proulx

Architects Are Here by Michael Winter

The Wreckage by Michael Crummey

Thanks to Kjmastaw for the head's up.

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