Sunday, September 27, 2009

Full-concert R30 Blu-ray and DVD coming November 17

When the R30 DVD was released in 2005, it was missing 8 songs from the original concert (evidently, the band didn't want R30 to be too similar to Rush in Rio). On November 17, the R30 concert will be released in its entirety, in both Blu-ray (Hi-Def) and DVD formts. Both of these versions are available for pre-order:

R30 [Blu-ray]

Rush - R30 [DVD]

Also releasing on November 17 is a compilation DVD, featuring video from Rush in Rio, R30, and Snakes & Arrows Live. It's also available for pre-order.

Working Men

Thanks to Rushisaband for the head's up on these releases!

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