Sunday, August 23, 2009

Site Updates - 8/23/09

Hope everyone is having a great summer. I've added a few updates to the site that I wanted to tell you about:

Twitter - Yes, I finally jumped on the Twitter bandwagon. If you want to receive notifications for Neil Peart News Updates via Twitter, go to Neil Peart News on Twitter and click Follow. If you're wondering what Twitter is all about, it's a social networking tool that allows you to send short "microblog" updates. I've found it's a unique way to read what's going on with things and people I'm interested in. While you're at it, you can also follow Rush (official), Rushisaband, and Power Windows on Twitter, too.

Neil Peart setup - I added the DW kit that Neil used for his Master Class on Drum Channel. This is also updated in the history of his drumkits.

Building the kit - I added some pictures of the Snakes & Arrows kit being set up, taken by John Arrowsmith. This page also includes pictures of Larry Allen setting up the Power Windows kit, and some screenshots of Neil's kit being assembled for the A Work in Progress instructional video.

Upcoming Releases - I updated the dates for upcoming releases for Neil. Next up: Vertical Horizon's Burning the Days, which includes three tracks with Neil as guest drummer.

1970s photos - Added 5 new photos.

1980s/1990s photos - Added 15 new photos. 

Delicious bookmarks - When I find links to interviews or other bits that don't fit neatly into a "Neil Peart News Update," I add it to my Neil Peart bookmarks on Delicious.

New postcard - Lamb Saag sent me a postcard from Neil a while ago, but I just posted this recently. Thanks, Lamb!

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