Monday, March 02, 2009

Signed Neil Peart DW drum head on eBay (for charity auction) - Update

Updated - 3/6/09

The drum head went for $1525.00 total.


This auction will end on March 2, at 4:41 PM PST.

Click to go to the eBay auction

Note the following change:

If this auction closes over $1500 Michael at will send these three pairs of Neil Peart Drumsticks to the winner. (See added photo of sticks)

1 pair of 1995 Pro-Mark Neil Peart Signature 747 Drumsticks

1 pair of 2006 Pro-Mark R30 Limited Edition Green Ink Drumsticks (900 pairs made - valued at $500)

1 pair of 2007 Pro-Mark Snakes & Arrows Tour Drumsticks (retail version)

(These three pairs are collector drumsticks and were not personally used by Mr. Peart)


Michael, over at, let me know about a signed Neil Peart drum head being auctioned on eBay. The proceeds from the auction will go to help LA County Deputy Sheriff Bobby Corrales and the TJ Martell Foundation.

Click to go to the eBay auction

Bobby has been battling leukemia for the last nine months. According to the listing, "Bobby is of Chinese-Mexican ancestry and finding a bone marrow match has been a serious challenge. As of today, they still have not located a donor." If you are interested in a donating blood or platelets, please call UCLA Hospital at (310) 415-1400.

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