Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Site Updates and News - 8/6/08

Well, the Snakes & Arrows tour is over. In the past few weeks I've taken some time to reflect on the tour and the shows I saw -- the same as most fans, I suspect. You can read about the four shows I saw on the 2008 tour here. You can also see most reviews and stories about the Snakes & Arrows tour on my Snakes tour page. You can also read the stories I bookmarked for the 2008 Tour.

Current and Upcoming Releases

Fortunately, there are a few current and upcoming releases for Neil Peart and Rush. A few of these include:

  • Neil Peart's 30th Anniversary kit and "Ghost Rider" motorcycle in Columbus, Ohio. (If anyone has any pictures they'd like to share, please send them.)
  • The Rotterdam DVD shot in 2007 and scheduled to release on November 4, 2008.
  • The Roadshow Companion book scheduled to release in December 2008 (pushed back from July).
  • The Burning for Buddy Memorial Concert in October in New York City, which I plan to attend.

You can track all the current and future releases on the Upcoming Releases page.

Snakes & Arrows drum setup photos

I've added a collection of photos from the crew setting up Neil's Snakes kit. (Thanks to John Arrowsmith for taking all these photos!)

News and other random bits

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