Thursday, February 15, 2007

New album and tour confirmation from posted the following banner on their site about the upcoming Rush album. Included are confirmation of the album title "Snakes & Arrows," the release date of May 1, 2007, and the name of the first single, "Far Cry."

Also, there's a 10-second snippet of "Far Cry." You'll definitely be wanting to hear more...


  1. Andy-O,

    A quick thanks to you for the postings & updates for all of us NP/Rush-heads. Just going over the latest update here on the new album & tour... I think we're all so fortunate to see a group of guys like these 3 coming up on 33 years together this summer, playing live once again... keep up the terrific work, and thank you for everything!


  2. Thanks, TJC. I'm glad this update page is helpful. I agree with you... for Rush to still be doing this after 33 years is amazing.
